Giampaolo de Sena ci ha lasciati

Anno: 2024 - Vol 9 / Fascicolo: 16 / Periodo: lug-set


Domenico Uliano

Il 6 agosto ci ha lasciati Giampaolo de Sena. Ho conosciuto Giampaolo in una circostanza casuale, in un viaggio a Brescia, quando lui era ancora alle prime armi della nostra Disciplina ed apprezzai molto la sua passione ed il suo entusiasmo , oltre che una istintiva simpatia, che trasmetteva in modo naturale ed enpatico. Continuammo a sentirci e, quando io divenni Segretario del SIMFiR, lo cooptai nel Direttivo nazionale per occuparsi di abusivismo professionale. Era sempre pieno di idee ed in quel triennio creammo l’ Ufficio Legale del Sindacato ed iniziammo battaglie per la difesa della Professione, anche con il Sito antiabusivismo, dove raccogliemmo le segnalazioni dei Colleghi.

Giampaolo venne poi eletto nell’ Ufficio di Presidenza della Società scientifica e condividemmo anche questo percorso, ma soprattutto consolidammo una amicizia che   divenneoccasione  di lunghe ed affettuose chiacchierate e disquisizioni su di noi e sulle sorti di tutto ciò che ci riguardava.

Poi sono arrivate scelte diverse che ci hanno gradualmente allontanati, ma é sempre rimasto vivo un sentimento di amicizia e di simpatia, oltre che un bel ricordo per le tante  cose fatte insieme.

La notizia della sua scomparsa ha gelato il sangue a tutta la nostra comunità e ricorderemo sempre il suo sorriso contagioso e la sua grande  passione.

Alla famiglia la grande vicinanza di FISIATRIA iTALIANA.

E di seguito il messaggio ricevuto dall’amico Brian O’Young


Giampaolo, You Have Never Said Goodbye

Bryan O’Young, MD

From a Professional Perspective

I first met Giampaolo in 2003 at the ISPRM World Congress in the Czech Republic.  He

was enthusiastic and passionate about PM&R, having just translated 

PM&R Secrets: second edition into his native tongue, Italian. He was so eager to meet me and let me know of his translation as I was the chief editor, along with my treasured co-editors: Professors Mark Young and Steve Stiens. At the time, it turned out that he had also worked closely with my dear mentor, Dr. Andrew Fisher, who introduced a clinical paradigm, translating bench research of pain as sensitization to clinical practice.

Since those early days, Giampaolo and I have enjoyed countless episodes of joy and

laughter in traveling to different parts of the world to educate, research, and spread the

news about spinal sensitization. In 2008, Dr. Andrew Fisher passed away, and to honor

his memory, we had endless conversations about starting a school on spinal segmental

sensitization. Generous, spirited, and didactically driven, Giampaolo was passionate

about spreading the important news about spinal segmental sensitization and the

impressive evidence-based functional outcomes that it yielded. In 2012, the

International School of Spinal Sensitization was established with the core faculty of Dr.

Giampaolo de Sena, Dr. Bryan O’Young, Dr. Marta Imamura, Dr. Mark Young, and Dr.

David Cassius. Giampaolo’s influence on the school was profound, and he remained a primary leading force in spreading spinal segmental sensitization in different corners of

the world.

From an Endearing Friend’s Perspective

During the 21 years I have known him, Giampaolo has always been about passion. 

His passion for life and PM&R. He is always full of laughter and vitality.

He was someone who cared deeply about his friends and his family. Giampaolo’s confident

and reassuring smile always permeated the souls of those fortunate to be around him. The generous spirit of Giampaolo’s caring and bountiful nature was evident when he traveled across the Atlantic Ocean from Naples to attend my wedding in 2012. He met my wife and shared many humorous stories about my endless search for a perfect wife. He has left an indelible impression on my wife, who has ever since been trying to introduce him to her dear unmarried friends to this caring and charming prince from Napoli. 

The Unexpected Call

I last called Giampaolo on July 4, 2024, at 2:34 PM, with the phone unanswered. I

received a text at 5:51 PM, “My friend call you tomorrow.”  I received a text on July 13,

2024 at 2:53 AM with the message  “My friend, call you tomorrow.”  I also saw a

“Missed phone call” message about an hour later at 3:54 AM.  On August 6, Domenico Uliano called and informed me that our dear friend Giampaolo had departed.

Heartfelt Memories

I have since had many fond recollections of my conversations and friendships with

Giampaolo.  Warmth and heartfelt memories fill my soul to the brim. I shall never forget his confident demeanor and his passion for life.  At first, I was upset that he

had never had the opportunity to say “goodbye.”  However, after much thought about

our time together, he filled me with positive memories. Then, I understood why he never

said goodbye.  All the memories are there, and they will graciously always be with me. 

Suddenly, It became clear why he never said goodbye; he never left.

  1. Condivido totalmente questo post ed aggiungo che ho sempre apprezzato la sua schiettezza, l’energia ideativa ed un tocco di leggerezza che a me è spesso mancato

  2. Abbiamo lavorato assieme per quasi 20 anni al Simmfir. Aveva il bon ton del Napoletano brioso e fantasioso. Le sue idee erano sempre apprezzabili e spesso hanno soluzionato questioni importanti per il nostro Sindacato. Rimarrà, a chi lo ha ben conosciuto, l’affetto ed il suo pensiero. Continueremo a dialogare, RIP.

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